Certified BIAN partner blog: Gerard Peters
Witten by: Gerard Peters, Chief Business Architect at Capgemini.
Who are you?
Hi, my name is Gerard Peters and I’m a chief business architect at Capgemini. I graduated at the Tilburg university in operations research (Dutch name: bedrijfseconometrie). I have been acting mainly in capital markets (proprietary trading, global clearing, settlement and custody) but also in retail banking and insurance (life, industrial, pensions). As a TOGAF certified architect, I contributed to several TOGAF publications.
How are you involved with BIAN?
In 2011 I joined an initiative out of The Open Group to create a white paper on the leverage of TOGAF and BIAN. That was my first introduction to BIAN, which was interesting and challenging at the same time. BIAN at that time was more focused on the applicative side rather than the business site. Good point however was the service-oriented focus.
In 2014 Capgemini became a member of BIAN and I got involved in the BIAN organization itself. It was good to see that BIAN had evolved as a standard and fully adapted a business-related view. The combination of applying both a static (service oriented) and a dynamic (process oriented) view makes the model even more powerful. In 2015 I became chair of the certification working group within BIAN and together with Hans Tesselaar and Capgemini Academy we set up the first web-based training. This year I got involved in the pilot of the certification training that was set up out of VanHaren publishing, took the exam and passed as one of the first candidates.
What benefits do you think BIAN and the BIAN certification can provide to you?
The BIAN framework is set up as a joined effort of member Banks, Vendors and Service providers and as such is a solid banking reference architecture. The service-oriented set up provides a solid base for future proof solutioning both in case of complete business and application restructuring as well as for opening up the existing application landscape in order to facilitate more integration within and between banks.
By taking the training and doing the exam you not only get a good knowledge of the content of the BIAN model, you also gain insight in the essentials of a service-oriented approach. Both will help you to be in better shape to deal with the challenges of today’s changing banking eco-system.
What did you think of the exam?
Being involved in the BIAN certification working group and having set up the web-based training I was well equipped to do the exam without additional effort. The training and hence the exam questions focus on the concepts used and possible application of these concepts. It is not about de content of the model itself, that I something you have to dig into yourself.
Are you ready to use your knowledge?
The knowledge you gain in taking this training is useful in a much wider range than just the banking industry. But working in the financial industry myself it allows me to kick start discussions with senior management.
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