Announcing the 2nd Edition of the SIAM Foundation BoK
We caught up with the team at Scopism to learn more about the updates to the SIAM Foundation and Professional bodies of knowledge. Lead architects Simon Dorst and Michelle Major-Goldsmith shared some news about the rationale behind the update and the changes it includes.
We are creating a new edition of the SIAM Foundation and Professional Bodies of Knowledge. Scopism have brought together a global team of authors and reviewers focused on updating the publications.
The aim continues to be all about using simple language, examples and appropriate references to other frameworks and methods. SIAM is not about re-inventing the wheel, but about highlighting the specifics of applying best practice approaches in a multi-provider environment.
What’s changing?
There was the launch of VeriSM in 2018, with its useful content on a service management approach for the digital age and the use of a Management Mesh to allow navigation of the best practices and technologies required for modern digital services. Also updates to COBIT (2019) and ITIL which also needed to be acknowledged and discussed in the publication (with ITIL and COBIT both already described in the current version).
We also found the specific description of the international standard ISO/IEC 20000 somewhat limiting and they wanted to introduce other standards which can be of significance for SIAM, such as ISO 44001 which specifies requirements for the effective identification, development and management of collaborative business relationships within or between organisations.
When we consider DevOps, Lean and Agile, they focus on a number of concepts such as process automation, agility in build, test and release cycles and shorter sprints of activity. Of course, from a SIAM point of view, concepts from these approaches such as building a culture of collaboration between teams that historically functioned in relative siloes align wholly with the SIAM focus on getting service providers to work effectively together. As these approaches suggest devolved responsibilities, autonomy and decision making within teams they can create a challenge for the service integrator function whose role is to create the magic (management, assurance, governance, integration and collaboration).
Contracts and Collaboration
SIAM contract structures should include collaboration requirements, or be supplemented with collaboration agreements, that codify the principles of collaboration and delivering services jointly for the benefit of the customer organisation rather than as disparate and siloed service providers.
Collaboration agreements need to serve all parties fairly and not put unnecessary limits on working practices, or hamper service providers by creating restrictions that will render their contribution untenable or unprofitable. This conflict requires a well-founded agreement.
It is often challenging to measure the value of the service integrator. On the surface, it may seem simple: if the end to end service is running well, the service providers are performing and the customer organization is happy, then things must be going well.
In SIAM, SFIA can be used in a number of ways such as to create a current skills inventory, definition of role profiles and job descriptions, identification of skills, gap analysis and development action planning.
Evolution, not Revolution
The fundamental principles of SIAM do not change, but how service providers work together, the level of automation, governance considerations and the type of collaboration that takes place may need to adapt to embrace new practices and approaches.
In the Professional BoK, we have added an appendix to provide an overview of how principles within Lean, Agile and DevOps can be considered within the SIAM roadmap and incorporated into the SIAM ecosystem. If the customer organisation, service integrator or service providers already have proven capabilities in these areas, the service integrator will need to consider when, where and how to apply these ways of working. We are hoping that the appendix provides some useful insights on this.
Once the guidance has been finalised, we’ll be working with the examination institutes EXIN and BCS to refresh the syllabi for the associated training courses and SIAM certification. Don’t worry if you have already sat the examination/s, your qualification/s will remain current. None of what you have learned will be incorrect, there will just be more to share.
You can learn more about the refresh and read exclusive blogs from the contributing authors here:
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