Vanharen Learning Solutions

Operating Model Canvas

Operating models have been written about for many years. The Operating Model Canvas moves the needle forward in this discussion by further framing operating model concepts in a canvas. As with most tools, readers should consider the canvas and related concepts as they continue their journey of streamlining and improving their business. 

William Ulrich, President, Business Architecture Guild

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If you liked Osterwalder et al.'s Business Model Canvas and Value Proposition Design, you'll also want to spend time with this one. All three books have a light and engaging tone and are co-created with practitioners. But Operating Model Canvas picks up where the earlier books leave off, taking the thinking about activities, resources, and partners to the next level. It's critical for making a business model work.

Thomas H. Davenport, Distinguished Professor, Babson College, and author of Competing on Analytics and Only Humans Need Apply Tweet

‘Practical, insightful and very, very useful.’


‘Swiss army knife for your business model development’


‘Really useful addition for designing operating models’


‘The missing link for any digital service delivery’


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